Hair Transplant Growth Chart

Hair transplant surgery can trigger anticipation for visible results. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the recovery and regrowth phase is gradual, demanding patience. Typically, new hair growth becomes noticeable anywhere from 6 months to over a year post-surgery. As your grafts stabilize post-surgery, you’ll observe transformations around your newly formed hairline. Explore our hair transplant growth chart to understand the timeline for witnessing new hair growth after the procedure. Discover effective strategies for expediting the hair growth process, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Hair Transplant Growth Chart

What are your hopes following a hair transplant surgery aimed at restoring your natural head of hair? Many individuals experience apprehension not only about the surgery itself but also about the recovery period. If you’re among them, let’s delve into the recovery journey with a detailed timeline accompanied by daily progress images post-operation.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair follicles progress through four distinct stages collectively known as the hair growth cycle:

  1. Anagen: Approximately 80-90% of hair follicles are in this active growth phase. Hair benefits from a robust blood supply, receiving essential nutrients that promote healthy growth.
  2. Catagen: About 5% of your hair is in this transitional phase. During catagen, hair follicles detach from the blood supply.
  3. Telogen: This is the resting phase where 10-15% of hair remains. Due to decreased nourishment, hair growth halts as follicles rest.
  4. Exogen: This is the shedding phase where, on average, up to 100 hair strands are lost per day. Hair sheds during routine activities like washing and brushing. New hairs start growing in preparation for the next anagen stage.

Typically, each hair growth cycle spans approximately 3-7 years, with the anagen phase dominating this period. The transition phase lasts roughly 10 days, while the telogen/exogen phase extends from 3 to 5 months.

During a hair transplant procedure, viable hair follicles that are still active in the growth cycle are utilized to replace non-producing follicles. Discover more about how hair transplants work.

Hair Growth Chart and Hair Transplant Recovery Timeline

After Surgery TimeAfter Operation Hair GrowthOther Information
First DayThe transplanted grafts reflect the contour of your new hairline.Minor scabbing occurs during the healing of hair grafts— managing infection may be required.
5-12 DaysNo ChangeIt’s crucial to care for your transplant during the initial week— adhere to your doctor’s guidance for optimal results.
2-3 WeeksTransplanted hair grafts start to shed, and your hair may resemble its appearance before the transplant (this is anticipated and entirely normal!).
4-8 WeeksAnticipate some hair growth, up to 0.5cm in length.You can have your first haircut following your hair transplant (once all wounds have fully healed).
4-6 MonthsThe initial visible results begin to appear.
One YearThe final outcome is achieved: transplanted hair now appears full, thick, and natural.

Swelling After Hair Transplant

Despite being a minimally invasive procedure, a hair transplant is still a surgical process that can lead to side effects. One common side effect post-transplant is swelling, a natural response of the body to injury or trauma. Even with a skilled and gentle procedure, swelling around the eyes and forehead may occur. This reaction can also be attributed to fluids injected for local anesthesia during the transplant.

While swelling is natural and harmless, it can cause mild discomfort. To alleviate this, applying a cold compress to the swollen area, maintaining a raised head position, avoiding sleeping on your stomach, staying well-hydrated, and refraining from strenuous exercise during the recovery period are recommended.

After Transplant Hair Growth

Before the transplant: This is a typical pre-transplant hairline for individuals experiencing male pattern baldness, with recession at the temples. A natural new hairline has been marked.

12 days after the transplant: The new hairline is faintly visible, but some grafts have shed, which is normal at this stage post-transplant.

2 months after the transplant: Hair is slightly thicker around the temples.

3 months after the transplant: The new hairline is clearer, although some patchiness is still noticeable in the transplanted areas.

4 months after the transplant: Hair appears thicker and fuller around the temples and on the crown.

5 months after the transplant: Hair is noticeably thicker in the transplanted areas, with ongoing growth expected.

8 months after the transplant: Final results are starting to show, with a full and natural-looking hairline that blends seamlessly with the rest of the hair.

Shock Loss

Shedding of hair grafts is a natural aspect of the post-transplant hair regrowth journey. You might observe individual grafts or small clusters shedding in the shower or on your pillow (as shown below). This shedding process is a normal part of the hair growth cycle.

People with healthy hair typically lose up to 100 hairs per day, so although seeing your grafts fall out can be concerning, it’s not a cause for alarm. Learn more about the post-hair transplant expectations and brace yourself for the upcoming months.

Encouraging Faster Hair Growth Following A Hair Transplant

To increase the likelihood of achieving excellent results (and potentially speeding up the transplant recovery process), it’s important to adhere to certain precautions and recommendations.

Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions diligently. The initial days post-surgery are crucial for ensuring optimal graft survival. You’ll likely be advised to take a few days off work to facilitate recovery and reduce the risk of graft dislodgement. Additionally, your surgeon may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection and pain medication to manage any discomfort.

Consider taking Finasteride to enhance hair growth. Finasteride, a hair loss prevention medication, is often recommended for men before or after hair transplant surgery. It can help prevent further hair loss and promote growth in both transplanted and non-transplanted hair. Research indicates that Finasteride can significantly improve hair growth after a hair transplant in a vast majority of patients.

Utilize Minoxidil to minimize graft shedding. Minoxidil is a popular hair loss treatment that has also demonstrated efficacy in encouraging post-transplant hair growth while reducing graft shedding. This can lead to thicker-looking transplanted hair even in the early stages after the procedure. Incorporating topical Minoxidil following a FUT or FUE hair transplant can also boost hair density and expedite regrowth.

Essential Information About Hair Growth After Operation

  • Hair growth rates can vary widely among individuals, so the pace of growth for your transplanted hair may differ from others.
  • Supplementary treatments such as Minoxidil and Finasteride can aid in hair growth and mitigate ongoing hair loss as needed.
  • If you are young and/or experiencing ongoing hair loss, your consultant should suggest strategies to address this issue.
  • Adhering closely to your aftercare regimen can enhance the likelihood of faster and more sustained hair growth.
  • Hair transplants yield enduring results — learn about the duration of a hair transplant’s effectiveness.
  • Exercise caution with clinics that offer unrealistic promises, as they may compromise your donor area in pursuit of meeting exaggerated expectations.
Hair Transplant Growth Chart

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